Sasha Howell's "Spectacle" - A Fashion Event in Duluth

“Spectacle” was the perfect name for Sasha Howell’s first fashion centered event.  

The very first Kickstarter I ever backed, Sasha Howell’s “Spectacle” took place at The Underground on May 23, 2014.  

Duluth designer Sasha Howell and I after her show.

Sasha had a dream of hosting her own fashion show so she asked the community of Duluth (and the rest of the internet) to help.  We both knew fashion enthusiasts probably existed in the area, but it just took us a little while to find each other.

Models getting ready backstage. Photo by Nickila Photography, as part of Kickstarter donation perk.

I have no idea how she managed to put together so many looks in a relatively short amount of time, but I am absolutely amazed.  There were five different collections showcased over the course of the evening - Steampunk, Horror, Sasha Style, Burning Man inspired, and Lisa Frank inspired.

Photo of the runway at the Underground in Duluth, MN.  Photo by Nickila Photography, as part of Kickstarter donation perk.

Her background as a costume designer (for the Renegade Theater Company and College of St. Scholastica) and with theater showed not only in the detailed garments in each collection, but the choreography. Each look was “performed" down the runway, it wasn’t enough for her to send models down a catwalk.  


Leather, buckles, brocade, vests all representative of the style.  


Inspired by the Murder Pretty production studio she is also involved with, the Horror collection featured zombie makeup and did indeed look like something right out of a horror movie.

Sasha Style

Mirroring her own way of dressing, the Sasha Style collection had some animal print, distressed leggings, and long dresses. 

Burning Man inspired

It was also Sasha’s dream to attend Burning Man, and when it didn’t work out to attend this year, she put her energy towards making awesome costumes inspired by the festival.  


Lisa Frank inspired

Rainbows, unicorns, neon…everything from the Lisa Frank creations I held dear to my heart as a kid, alive on the runway.  

As soon as I saw that Sasha was looking for models, I thought of my neighbor (and artist/aspiring model) Taylor Byykkonen.  Lisa Frank seemed like right up her alley, and I was right.  She even got to model a unicorn horn, like the ones she sells on Etsy.   (edit 4/12/15 - the horn Taylor is wearing is by Firefly Path -

Taylor Byykkonen.  Photo by Nickila Photography, as part of Kickstarter donation perk.

The event ended with a drag show, featuring entertainers from the Superior Flame

Entertainers from the Flame.

Entertainers from the Flame.

Here’s hoping a Sasha Howell production becomes a yearly tradition!