Envision Fall 2014

Envision Fall 2014 was definitely the best I have been to so far and I can’t wait until the spring show on May 2, 2015.  I already have my front row ticket!

Once again held in Orchestra Hall, the highlight event of MSPFW was held on September 12, 2014 and featured 13 designers in two segments.  

Tricia Khutoretsky of Public Functionary hosts Envision.

Tricia Khutoretsky of Public Functionary hosts Envision.

The red carpet backdrop was a luxe looking sign made by Minneapolis based company Woodchuck.  I recognized the name and laser cut wooden products from their pop-up shop during Duluth’s “Pop-Up in Downtown” campaign around the holidays in 2013.  In addition to the backdrop, they provided signage, wooden pocket squares, and funky panels that served as a cool background for the runway.  

Me in front of the Woodchuck backdrop at Envision in Minneapolis September 12, 2014.  Photo by Reinaldo Ramcharit.

Me in front of the Woodchuck backdrop at Envision in Minneapolis September 12, 2014.  Photo by Reinaldo Ramcharit.

The tables hosting silent auction items including photography sessions, 2 Gingers gift sets, and restaurant gift cards were laid out on one side of the room as opposed to spread throughout, to encourage more interaction on the dance floor.  Proceeds from the auction went to Public Functionary. 

Spooky Black and Bobby Raps provided entertainment via DJ sets before the show.  I loved that Spooky was so into what he was playing - you could feel his passion for the music.  The great thing about Envision and a lot of the other Minnesota fashion events I’ve been to is that they not only celebrate local fashion designers, but also local musicians and other artists. 

Allan Kingdom, Spooky Black (who now goes by Corbin), and Bobby Raps.

Allan Kingdom, Spooky Black (who now goes by Corbin), and Bobby Raps.

These boys are part of a band called theStand4rd that I am really impressed with.  Allan Kingdom has collaborated on a song with Kanye West, even showing up in London to perform with him at the Brit Awards.  And, they can throw a hell of a party…friend them on Snapchat and you might find out where to show up.

Artist Jesse Draxler was set up working on some pieces while the music was playing before the runway portions of Envision began.

These items were also available for purchase that night.  

These items were also available for purchase that night.  

Another local talent highlighted at Envision was the production company Kylee and Christian Creative.  They put together short video bios about the designers/boutique owners and the pieces being shown that played before each collection walked the runway.  This reminded me a lot of Vert Couture in Chicago or even Voltage in Minneapolis.  It helped me feel really connected to the show and was a good way to break up the night and keep it from feeling like a rapid-fire runway barrage. 


Love the fringe and the circle scarf as hood thing happening in this look by Velvet Moon.

Love the fringe and the circle scarf as hood thing happening in this look by Velvet Moon.

“In Minneapolis, there’s an ‘East’ meets ‘West’ vibe” - Kim and Jen of Kjurek.  Love the plaid pants.

“In Minneapolis, there’s an ‘East’ meets ‘West’ vibe” - Kim and Jen of Kjurek.  Love the plaid pants.

The 90s hiphop music playing during Cliche’s segment got the whole room super pumped (I think “best runway music of the night” was uttered).  The cool kicks and metallic everything energized me for sure.

Look from Cliche. 

Look from Cliche. 

Silver and plaid look by Cliche.

Silver and plaid look by Cliche.

I would wear this outfit (well, not with a crop top) to work every day if I could. Camo pants and gold sleeves?! Yes.

I would wear this outfit (well, not with a crop top) to work every day if I could. Camo pants and gold sleeves?! Yes.

Menswear meets womenswear with structured pieces and suspenders at Idle Child, and hot hosiery made a public appearance.  

Really liked this.

Really liked this.

Look by Idle Child.

Look by Idle Child.

I really hope this hosiery in public thing actually becomes more prevalent, but whatever because I do it anyway. 

Part of my look from #blackheartsball 2014. @blackheartsball

A photo posted by Liz M. (@poizenisxkandee) on

There was an intermission with a DJ set by DJ Adora Tokyo and a dance performance.

Intermission at Envision Minneapolis Fall 2014.

Intermission at Envision Minneapolis Fall 2014.

Metallic accents strike again at Ellie Hottinger. 

Metallic accents strike again at Ellie Hottinger. 

Samantha Rei presented a really cohesive collection with an intricate backstory she created.  She described an “undercover lesbian ‘French bicycle fashion’ couple that call each other ‘Fox' and ‘Sparrow’ in the 1940s”.

Tessa Louise has consistently been one of my favorite Twin Cities designers and this remains true. 

@tessalouise_designstudio's collection at @ignitemodels's #envisionmpls Fall 2014.

A video posted by Liz M. (@poizenisxkandee) on

How gorgeous is this dress?!

Lindsey Hopkins presented a really interesting collection, I believe inspired by Hiroshima.

I like the scuba/neoprene material.

I like the scuba/neoprene material.

Look by Lindsey Hopkins.

Look by Lindsey Hopkins.

The print on this was really cool.

The print on this was really cool.

George Moskal loves leather, which I also love, but I think I love purple and zippers more.

George Moskal loves leather, which I also love, but I think I love purple and zippers more.

The finale song was Disclosure + Sam Smith’s “Latch” which I was super into at the time, and closed out the night on a high note.

Envision has always been social media friendly, with encouragement to use the hashtag #EnvisionMPLS, but this season seemed even more so.  Really liked it being so interactive and hearing the story behind the collection before it was presented. 

Tickets are on sale now for the Spring 2015 show that will be held May 2, 2015.  General admission - $30, VIP - $60, VIP Front Row - $75.  Additionally, student discount General Admission tickets are available for $16.